Free PDF Download of Praful Zaveri's Chess Course: A Complete Guide to Chess Strategy, Tactics and Endgames
How to Play Chess: A Beginner's Guide to the Game and Its Benefits for the Brain
Chess is one of the oldest and most popular games in the world. It is a game of strategy, logic, and skill that can be played by anyone, anywhere, anytime. Chess is also a game that can benefit your brain in many ways, from boosting your IQ to preventing dementia. In this article, you will learn how to play chess, what are the benefits of playing chess for your brain, and where to find resources to help you improve your game.
What is chess and why is it popular?
Chess is a two-player board game that simulates a war between two armies. Each player controls 16 pieces: one king, one queen, two rooks, two bishops, two knights, and eight pawns. The pieces have different shapes, colors, and movements. The board consists of 64 squares of alternating colors (usually black and white), arranged in eight rows and eight columns.
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The objective of chess is to checkmate the opponent's king, which means to trap it so that it cannot escape from any attack. The game ends when one player checkmates the other's king, or when one player resigns (gives up), or when a draw (tie) is agreed or declared.
Chess is popular because it is a game that can appeal to people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities. It is a game that can be played for fun or for competition. It is a game that can be played online or offline. It is a game that can challenge your mind, improve your skills, and provide you with hours of enjoyment.
How to set up the board and move the pieces?
To start playing chess, you need a board, a set of pieces, and a friend (or an online opponent). You also need to know how to set up the board and move the pieces.
To set up the board, you need to place it so that each player has a light-colored square on their right-hand corner. Then you need to arrange the pieces on the first two rows (or ranks) as follows:
The rooks go on the corners (a1, h1 for white; a8, h8 for black).
The knights go next to the rooks (b1, g1 for white; b8, g8 for black).
The bishops go next to the knights (c1, f1 for white; c8, f8 for black).
The queen goes on her own color (d1 for white; d8 for black).
The king goes on the remaining square (e1 for white; e8 for black).
The pawns go on the second row (or rank) from each player (a2-h2 for white; a7-h7 for black).
To move the pieces, you need to follow these rules:
You can only move one piece at a time.
You cannot move a piece onto a square that is occupied by a piece of the same color.
You can capture a piece of the opposite color by moving your piece onto its square and removing it from the board.
Each piece has a different way of moving:
The rook can move any number of squares horizontally or vertically, as long as there are no pieces in its way.
The knight can move in an L-shape, two squares in one direction and one square in a perpendicular direction. It can jump over other pieces.
The bishop can move any number of squares diagonally, as long as there are no pieces in its way.
The queen can move any number of squares horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, as long as there are no pieces in its way.
The king can move one square in any direction. It cannot move into check, which means that it cannot move into a square that is attacked by an enemy piece.
The pawn can move one square forward, except on its first move, when it can move two squares forward. It cannot move backward or sideways. It captures diagonally, one square forward and to the left or right. If a pawn reaches the last row (or rank) of the board, it can promote to any other piece (except a king).
There are some special moves in chess that you should know:
Castling is a move that allows you to move your king and one of your rooks at the same time. You can only castle if neither your king nor the rook has moved before, if there are no pieces between them, and if your king is not in check or does not pass through or end up in a square that is under attack. To castle, you move your king two squares towards the rook, and then move the rook to the square that the king crossed over.
En passant is a move that allows you to capture an enemy pawn that has just moved two squares forward from its original position, and has landed next to your pawn. You can only do this on the very next move after the enemy pawn's move. To capture en passant, you move your pawn diagonally to the square behind the enemy pawn, and remove the enemy pawn from the board.
Check is a situation where your king is under attack by an enemy piece. You must get out of check by either moving your king to a safe square, capturing the attacking piece, or blocking the attack with another piece.
Checkmate is a situation where your king is in check and you have no legal way to get out of it. You lose the game if you are checkmated.
Stalemate is a situation where you are not in check but you have no legal moves to make. The game ends in a draw if you are stalemated.
Chess benefits for the brain
Playing chess is not only fun but also good for your brain. Chess can improve your cognitive abilities, such as IQ, memory, concentration, creativity, planning, problem-solving, self-awareness, empathy, and social skills. Here are some of the benefits of playing chess for your brain:
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How does chess improve IQ, memory, and concentration?
Chess is a game that requires you to use both sides of your brain: the left side for logic and analysis, and the right side for intuition and creativity. Playing chess can stimulate your brain cells and increase your mental capacity. Studies have shown that playing chess can raise your IQ by up to 14 points. Chess can also improve your memory and concentration by training you to remember complex patterns and focus on multiple tasks at once.
How does chess prevent Alzheimer's disease and dementia?
Chess is a game that can keep your brain healthy and prevent age-related cognitive decline. Playing chess can activate your brain's neural networks and prevent them from deteriorating. Chess can also increase the growth of new brain cells and enhance the communication between them. Studies have shown that playing chess can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease and dementia by up to 74%. Chess can also delay the onset of symptoms and slow down the progression of these diseases.
How does chess stimulate creativity, planning, and problem-solving?
Chess is a game that can challenge your imagination and creativity. Playing chess can help you generate new ideas and find novel solutions to problems. Chess can also improve your planning and problem-solving skills by teaching you how to think ahead, evaluate alternatives, anticipate consequences, and learn from mistakes. Studies have shown that playing chess can enhance your divergent thinking (the ability to generate many possible solutions) by up to 62%. Chess can also enhance your convergent thinking (the ability to find the best solution) by up to 35%. Chess can also boost your fluid intelligence (the ability to reason and solve new problems) by up to 40%.
How does chess enhance self-awareness, empathy, and social skills?
Chess is a game that can improve your emotional and social intelligence. Playing chess can help you develop self-awareness and self-control by teaching you how to manage your emotions, co